Registering a Guest
Registering A Guest
There are several steps needed to Register a Guest.
Manual Input:
1) Enter the Guest's information - the amount of information you enter is up to you. The only required data is their Name. Everything else is added for your requirements. If you want to take a deposit, you may enter the amount in the Guest Information area. Later, the Deposit can be applied to their final Bill.
2) Vehicle Information - the only important item is what type of Vehicle they have. This is the radio buttons at the bottom. They may limit the sites available depending upon how you defined the sites. If you have entered maximum Length and Widths for the sites, and enter numbers into the Vehicle Information areas, this too may limit the sites available. Other than that, the program doesn't use the information, so it can be blank.
3) In the Site Information area - you must enter an arrival and departure date for the Guest, choose the type of stay via the radio buttons (day, week, month. etc.), and a site must be selected for the Guest. This may have already been selected via the Reservation Grid, or you can simply enter it in the field, or you can use the AvailSites button to determine a site. Again, if you have entered the Electric Amps, Water, and/or Sewer; your sites available may be limited based on how you set up your sites.
4) After the first 3 steps are complete, you should be able to use the Save button to complete the Registration.
On-Line Reservation Input:
This is only available to those who have a website and have properly setup the On-Line Reservation portion of the software. See On-Line Reservations for more information.
1) Get an Email Notice that someone has Registered On-Line.
2) Go to the Guest Panel and press the Get Internet Guest From Web button (see here for setup info)
3) Assign a site for the stay. Save the new Guest & reservation.
4) Use the Email Reserv button to notify the Guest of their reservation.
5) Use the Remove Internet Guest from Web button for the next on-line reservation.
NOTE: No moneys are generally calculated until you enter a Paid Thru date. This field can be double-clicked to get a calendar to select the date with.
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