Making a Reservation
Making a Reservation
There are 4 ways to make a Reservation.
1) Manual Entry From the Guest Panel
When making reservations, make sure the Guest Information Panel has been Cleared (use the Clear Button on the bottom of the panel). At least enter a name and phone number for the Guest Reservation.
TIP: If the Guest has been there before, you can enter a few characters of their Name in the Name field and press Enter and you will get a list of Guests with that String in their Name to select from.
Select the type of site (Cabin, Camper, Boat, 5th Wheel, or Motorhome). Enter an Arrival and Departure Date and press the AvailSites button. A list of available sites will be provided.
NOTE: If the list has other Guests on the lines, the Site is or will be used by another Guest and should be reviewed for potential conflicts.
The more information you provide, the more detailed the search for available sites will be processed. If you provide the length and/or width of the RV, it will be used to determine if the site can accommodate the unit. Likewise for Water, Sewer, Electric, etc. Once the Site is selected, Save the Guest and the Site will be allocated for this period of time.
2) From the Site Grid Panel
Simply select a Green Cell on the day of Arrival, and you will be taken to the Guest Panel to complete the registration similar to what is provided in option 1.
TIP: You can also Click on the Arrival Date and keeping the Left Mouse button depressed, Drag the mouse to the Departure Date. This will transfer both dates to the Guest Panel for registration.
3) From the Park Map Panel
If you have set up the Park Maps using the MapMaker tool (see Park Maps), you can use the Park Map Panel to make a reservation by entering the From & To dates and selecting an Open or Available site (shown in Green). Enter the Guest information and Save the new Guest.
4) From an On-Line Reservation
If you have a Website, RV Park Software offers a FREE service for on-line reservations. Once properly set up, all you need to do is press one button and the Guest Information is automatically loaded from our database into your Guest form. You assign the site they will have and contact them for a deposit (or not). Then you Delete in information on our site with another click of the mouse on the Guest panel. See On-Line Reservations for a more detailed overview.
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