RV Park Help


Move Guest to a New/Different Site

Typically, when a Guest has registered to stay for a period of time, you may need or want to change their Site from where they were initially assigned.  If this is needed before they actually have paid for the Site, just change their Site and you are done.

However, if the Guest has been in the site for several days and you want/need to keep the rent & electric charges correct for that Site, things are a little more complicated.  Let's consider several scenarios:

Situation:  Guest arrived 3/1/20, paid for the month and is expected to leave 3/31/20.  They were assigned to Site 023 and on 3/10/20 you need to relocate them to Site 046.

Other Preparation:  You may need to create an "Other Charge" that will provide the mechanism to correct the Site's rental dollars.  If all of your Sites have the same rates (Daily/Weekly/Monthly) this can be fairly simple.  You may want to create three Other Charges:

  • Daily Rental Fee Refund (Amount = whatever the Daily Charge is)
  • Weekly Rental Fee Refund (Amount = whatever the Weekly Charge is divided by 7)
  • Monthly Rental Fee Refund (Amount = whatever the Monthly Charge is divided by 30) This is the one that can be a little off if the month has more or less than 30 days.

You can also create one Other Charge to handle them all ... call it Rental Fee Refund with the amount being (-$1).  The negative one dollar can be multiplied by the Quantity of whatever you are trying to achieve example: Qua = 237.28 to refund $237.28


1)  You could care less about the Site having the correct dollars for rent, but need  to get the electric charges right.

    1. Read the Site's Meter, enter the current reading into the Current Meter field of the Guest panel and check the Bill Electric and Interim Bill boxes.
    2. Enter the Paid thru date of 3/10/2020  OK the Guest paying Elect for leaving early
    3. OK the days early  
    4. Mark the Bill Paid and OK the amount received
    5. You can change the arrival date before changing the Guest to the new Site to 3/10/2020.
    6. Delete the Site Number from the form and either use the Avail Sites to list available sites or Assign New Site to enter the Site Alias.
    7. Save the change with the Save button.

2)  You don't care about the rent dollars being tracked by site and electric is included, so there are no electric charges per se.

    1. Simply Delete the Site Number from the form and either use the Avail Sites to list available sites or Assign New Site to enter the Site Alias. 
    2. Save the change with the Save button. Done.

3)  The rent dollars need to be correct for each site and the electric must be paid before moving the Guest.

    1. Read the Site's Meter, enter the current reading into the Current Meter field of the Guest panel and check the Bill Electric and Interim Bill boxes.
    2. Enter the Paid thru date of 3/10/2020  OK the Guest paying Elect for leaving early
    3. OK the days early  
    4. Mark the Bill Paid and OK the amount received
    5. Now we can reset the Billing for the rent,Refund the Days or Amount back to the Site by using the negative Other Charge
    6. Use the Interim Bill option with the Paid Thru date of 3/10/2020 (this must be done before changing the arrival date to 3/10/2020 or it won't work.
    7. Change the Amount Paid to 0 (zero) so the amount will be a negative amount credited to the Previous Balance of the Guest.
    8. Yes thru the warnings to save the Billing
    9. Now the Guest should have a negative balance and you can move them to the new site

    10. Change the arrival date before changing the Guest to the new Site to 3/10/2020.

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