RV Park Help


Guest Check Out Warning

When RV Park is initially launched, you may get the following Warning.


RV Park does NOT operate properly if Guests are not fully Checked Out.  If a Guest's Departure Date is 30+ days before Today's Date, you will get this Warning.  When you press OK, you will be taken to the Report panel and the following message will be displayed:


There are 2 ways to properly Check Out the departed Guests.  One at a time (which if you only have a few this is great, but if there are a lot, this could be time consuming) or by using the Screen output option, you can possibly Check Out many of your departed Guests fairly quickly.  As long as the Departed Guest doesn't have a Deposit, Outstanding Balance, or was a member of a Group Reservation, they can be Checked Out using the Screen output panel.  There is a CkOut All Guests Above button to process the listed Guests at the bottom of the panel.


Each Guest will be reviewed, and if they do not have a Deposit, Outstanding Balance, or were a member of a Group Reservation, they will be checked out.  Then, you can print any remaining Guests (using the Print option) and use the list to individually Check Out those Guests from the Guest panel.

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