RV Park Help


Maintenance Orders

This panel is activated by pressing the Site Maintenance button on the bottom of the Site Information panel. The purpose of the feature is to create, edit, or output a list of Maintenance Orders. 

The upper portion of the panel is used to find Maintenance Orders in the system. Any of the field with information affects the Search. If you use a Site Alias the Search will be limited to those Orders that are against that Site Alias; using an Assignee will limit the Search to records with a name "Like" that entered; the same is with entering a portion of a Work Order. The Start, Target, and Completion dates can be changed by double-clicking the field and selecting from a calendar, but will not be included without checking the box. The Within Days field will add and and subtract those days from the selected date in the Search. Only 2 dates can be used in a Search at a time. NOTE: The more fields used may restrict the records returned, also, you can enter information (or a part of it, without using the complete or provided selections).

Once the list is provided, you can select one for Editing or Deleting if desired. You can also output the list of records using the Output Data button. 

If you need to Add a record, just be sure the lower fields are Clear. Enter as much information as is known and Save the record.

If a record was entered incorrectly or requires changes, you can select it from the list and make the needed changes.

A record can also be Deleted if needed. Just select it from the list and press the Delete button.

A Site Alias is up to 7 characters; Assignee Name can be 70 characters, the Work Order can be 20 characters, the date fields are just that dates, the Cost field is a currency field, and the Notes field has up to 255 characters.

There is also access to the Maint database table from the Data Export panel, where you can formulate your own querries and build custom reports.

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