Site Types


The first panel displayed when Data Importer is launched is the Site Types input panel. In this panel you can define up to 10 "Site Types" each can have up to 10 characters to describe the Site Type.  Site Types are how you define what the rental can be used for. If the Site is a standard RV Park Site, this could be for All of the following: Motorhome; Trailer; RV; etc.  Where if it is a Boat Slip, it may Only be BoatSlip ... Define as many Site Types that make sense for your situation.  You will be able to "associate" as many of them as is appropriate to the Site, but the Guest will have only one that best describes what they have that will occupy that Site.


Simply enter the Types you need.  They are automatically stored in the RV Park Software database.

You can go to the other Steps from here using the buttons at the bottom of the panel.  If your old system used a MS Access database and you haven't created Data Files to Import into RV Park, use the Export Access DB button to create the Spreadsheets you will need.

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